
Usual tasks during development can be solved using the Makefile.

The basic Makefile created in your project created with create_service-util of fastapi-serviceutils serves the following commands:

make help

Show available make commands for the project.

make init

Initialize project. To be run after create_service to create the pyenv for the project.

make check

Run linters and checkers using pre-commit.

make clean

Cleans the working directory. Deletes usual cache- and temp-files.

make docker

Create the poetry.lock for the main-env and create docker-image for project. Tag of the docker-image is extracted from the version defined in pyproject.toml.

make docs

Create MkDocs documentation for the project.

make finalize

Finalize the main env and create the poetry.lock.

make info

Show info about current project like used python-version and used dependencies.

make tests

Run tests defined for the project using Pytest.

make update

Update environments based on pyproject.toml definitions and run pre-commit.