
The project's developer documentation is written using MKDocs with Pydoc-Markdown.

The documentation sources can be found in the docs/source subdirectory.

The API-documentation is auto-generated from the docstrings of modules, classes, and functions.

These docstrings are written in markdown-syntax.

Modifying the documentation

To modify the documentation change the content of the markdown-file containing the documentation section you want to change.

Then run the following command to create the new documentation:

    make docs

Adding additional documentation pages

If additional documentation-pages are required, create a new markdown file inside docs/source with the section name and add this section and file in the pydocmd.yml.

Then run the following command to create the new documentation:

    make docs

Adding new source-code (new python-file)

If you create an additional python-file (for example a new endpoint) write the docstrings in this file using markdown-syntax.

Then add this file into the generate-section inside pydocmd.yml. This triggers pydoc-markdown to extract the docstrings of this file and store it into a new markdown file. Also add this new file and the section-name at section pages:Source-Code Documentation. This triggers pydoc-markdown to include the page of this markdown file into the documentation to create.

Then run the following command to create the new documentation:

    make docs

Creating the documentation

To generate the documentation, run:

    make docs

The documentation

After creating the documentation with make docs the generated HTML files can be found at docs/_build.


If you want to serve the documentation locally after build to see what will be generated, run: PYTHONPATH=. pydocmd serve

There is also a OpenAPI-documentation to be used for users of the service. The documentation can be found at (after running the service):

The apidoc can be found at{{cookiecutter.service_port}}/apidoc/index.html.