
The git workflow used in development of this service is oriented on: a stable mainline branching model for git

Each new feature, bugfix, endpoint, etc. results in a new feature-branch.

To create such a feature-branch run the following:

Ensure the devl-branch is up to date:

    git checkout devl
    git pull

Then create the feature-branch:

    git checkout -b <feature_branch_name>

Now we develop inside this new feature-branch on our new feature.


For example if we want to add a new endpoint named geocode: git checkout -b "add endpoint geocode in v1" Now we develop at the new endpoint, means we create app/endpoints/v1/ and add the input- and output-model for the new endpoint inside app/endpoints/v1/ If we need additional error-codes we define them in app/endpoints/v1/

We add each change with:

    git add <filename_with_changes>
    git commit -m '<short_description>' -m '<long_description>'


In the example creating the new endpoint geocode this could be: git add app/endpoints/v1/

and then git commit -m 'added new endpoint /api/v1/geocode' -m 'this endpoint ...'

If we are done with this task and have implemented everything needed for this new feature we run the following commands:

    git checkout devl
    git pull
    git checkout <feature_branch_name>
    git rebase devl
    git push


In the example this would be: git checkout devl

followed by git pull to ensure the local devl-branch is up to date.

Then we change back to the feature-branch: git checkout "add endpoint geocode in v1"

We rebase the feature-branch on the updated devl-branch: git rebase devl

Finally we can push our local feature-branch to the remote: git push


Explanaition: We ensure the local devl-branch to be up to date. Then we rebase the local feature-branch on the updated local devl-branch. This ensures a linear commit style.

After a code review the reviewer merges this remote feature-branch into the remote devl-branch using:

    git checkout devl
    git pull
    git merge --no-ff <feature_branch_name>
    git push


In our example this would be: git checkout devl

After the reviewer changed to the local devl-branch he updates the local devl-branch with the remote: git pull

Then he merges the feature-branch into the devl-branch: git merge --no-ff "add endpoint geocode in v1"

Now he can push the updated local devl-branch to the remote: git push


The reviewer ensures his local devl-branch and the remote devl-branch are up to date. Then he merges the local feature-branch into the local devl-branch. The updated local devl-branch (now including the changes from the local feature-branch) is then pushed to the remote devl-branch.

After testing the devl-branch and the review the devl-branch can be merged into the staging-branch. Then additional tests and reviews are done. If they pass, the staging-branch is merged into master-branch / production-branch.